Nashville DTV News

Update on RetroTV on WRTN 6.5

- Posted January 27th, 2017 at 5:04pm
Thanks to Paul, I have an update on WRTN 6.5 (RetroTV). WRTN owner said he was having dish issues with Retro, and that he was trying to fix it. Also, he said he was bringing back Rev'n as well. I would like to thank Paul again for that information, and whenever tv news breaks, I will post it here.


- Posted on February 11th, 2017 at 4:58pm

Tuff TV reappeared on 6.5 today and Retro TV has moved to 6.7. I don't know if this is permanent or not. Ron

- Posted on February 14th, 2017 at 11:30pm

Tonight 6.2 is black (was Jewelry TV, so not a great loss), and 6.7 (RetroTV) is frozen. Sigh. Wrote to Rick Goetz and Chris Waller. Hopefully someone can fix it soon.

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