Nashville DTV News

WRTN Changed Their Lineup Again

- Posted December 9th, 2016 at 5:09pm

Here we go again. WRTN has made some changes to their channel lineup. 6.2 is now Jewelry TV not Rev'n, 6.5 is RetroTV again instead of a frozen/blank screen, and 6.7 is the classic movies channel instead of EbruTV. I don't know how long these changes will last, but I am glad that RetroTV is back. I am listing the lineup below channel by channel.

6.1 Daystar
6.2 Jewelry TV
6.3 This TV
6.4 Classic TV Shows
6.5 Retro TV
6.6 Evine Shopping Channel
6.7 Classic Movies Channel


- Posted on December 14th, 2016 at 4:11am

I've requested a guide update. Hopefully WRTN will respond this time. I requested an update back in September and they never responded to my request. Though the listings look even more messed up now than they were before, Westerns channel got back on the guide, doesn't look like Retro is anywhere...

- Posted on December 18th, 2016 at 7:04pm

""Channel will not confirm changes" is the response that I just got from our upstream. If the station won't confirm the new lineup with Gracenote then they're not going to make updates." They never responded to the changes in September either. Anyone have a contact with the station? Why would they not want to confirm lineup changes they made?

- Posted on December 29th, 2016 at 1:37am - Edited

Since WRTN still hasn't confirmed either their previous or current lineup yet, I have done a workaround for MythTV. I added Huntsville WMJN 29.2 (first affiliate I saw in central time zone) to my SchedulesDirect channels. Downloaded the XML file, found the station ID is 92429, and in Myth setup mapped 6.5 to 92429. Non-tech savvy folks wouldn't have a clue how to work around it. Shouldn't be necessary.

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