WPGD Damaged and WRTN Problems - Updated
- Posted December 11th, 2023 at 8:57am
Also, I have noticed that WRTN-LD 6 is also experiencing problems. The owner, Rick, has his company located in Hendersonville as well. So, I don't know if he is in the same situation as WPGD is in or not. Until more news breaks, that's all for now. Also, everybody stay safe out there.
Updated 5:20pm - WPGD is now back on the air. I have to say that this is probably a temporary patch until they can get everything back up and running which will probably be a long time. Until more news breaks, that's all for now.

- Posted on December 11th, 2023 at 10:29am
I seen some of the damage on the local news and up here in KY we had threats of tornadoes and I was concerned about that possibility. I mourn with the people that were affected by the tornados. Thanks to you Nashdigie for posting about the terrible event and reporting on the OTA situation in the Nashville market.

- Posted on December 11th, 2023 at 12:43pm
United Way Sumner County Relief Fund web page: https://www.unitedwaysumner.org/UWSCdisasterrelieffund

- Posted on December 15th, 2023 at 12:52pm
WRTN came back on the air today.