WNTU-LD 26 is Back on the Air
- Posted December 4th, 2022 at 9:31pm

- Posted on December 5th, 2022 at 4:59pm
This is the same programing as WNPX-LD (20.1,20.2, and 20.3). Also, ThisTV reappeared on 6.3 Saturday morning. However, there is no sound and the picture is the wrong size. Hopefully, this will get fixed soon.

- Posted on December 24th, 2022 at 10:39pm
What 26.3 is doing is airing a 24-hour loop of Daystar's overnight/early morning filler program "Reflections". Just a copy/paste of the old Worship Network that aired on WNPX and the other PAX affiliates back in the day.

- Posted on December 25th, 2022 at 6:58pm - Edited
WNSH-LD (Channel 9) has changed their programing. The channel lineup now is: 9.1 - The Country Network, 9.2 - Weather Nation, 9.3 - Fun Roads, 9.4 - QVC, and 9.5 - WBPI. Also, WJDE has dropped Heartland on 31.1 and replaced it with Retro TV. They moved NTDTV to 31.4 and 31.11 is now a religious channel named Candy. I don't know anything about it, but it has no sound and freezes up constantly.

- Posted on December 27th, 2022 at 11:17am
Hey Nashdigie, WBKO (channel 13) out of Bowling Green, KY added Circle as 13.4.