Yes, WKUW-LD channel 40 is now on the air. Though, it is only showing one channel and it is a Doctor TV affiliate. Their website is I am going to try and contact the owner and see if there will be some subchannels added later. If I hear anything back, I will post it here. (Edit: The reply is posted below.)
Also, I just recently heard that Antenna TV may be moving onto its new channel (WZTV 17.3) as soon as Dec. 3rd. I will try and see if this is true. That is all I have for now. If any other news breaks (digital tv news wise), I will post it here.
Updated 4:35pm: I just heard from the people of DTV America (owners of WKUW-LD channel 40). They said, in the e-mail posted below, that they have plans to add Buzzr, a shopping channel, and female oriented channel like Lifetime. My guess is the last one will probably be the Escape network. There are plans for more. You can read the e-mail below.
"Thanks for noticing our channel is up and running. We are actually planning out several sub-channels right now. While I can’t say for sure how many we will eventually add, we are already planning to add Buzzr TV (old game shows we grew up on), a shopping channel and a female oriented channel (Similar to Lifetime). We are talking to others including a 24/7 news channel. Please keep watching and spread the word about FREE Over the air TV. Happy Thanksgiving. "