Nashville DTV News

W35DZ-D Changing to 3.0 This Week

- Posted July 15th, 2024 at 1:10pm
I've got word from the WCTE manager that W35DZ-D channel 35 in the Cookeville area will be changing from 1.0 to 3.0 this week. They have been broadcasting the channel in 1.0 for a long time now. They have only been simulcasting WCTE's channels. They have had everything ready to go except for the certification for the new transmitter they are going to use for 3.0. They had to wait until that got certified. I am posting the email I received last week from the WCTE manager below.

"We just heard that the JM transmitter has been approved. As soon as the certificate arrives, W35DZ-D's consulting engineer (who lives in Maine) will fly in for final commissioning and put the 3.0 transmitter on the air. This will likely happen next week."

So, there you have it. Once I find out that they have done it, I will post it here. Until more news breaks, that's all for now.


- Posted on July 15th, 2024 at 7:26pm

I'll make sure to look for it when it goes 3.0. When it does happen I'll make sure to report it instantly.

- Posted on July 16th, 2024 at 4:56pm

I too can report in once they transition. I'm LOS to WCTE/W35DZ. lol

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