Nashville DTV News

Update on W35DZ

- Posted July 18th, 2024 at 2:36pm
I received another email from WCTE. It is as follows:

"We finally have completed the certification process - took a bit longer than we had anticipated - and we anticipate broadcasting with our new transmission facilities in ATSC 3.0 beginning next week.

We will be issuing press releases when we do (or shortly after)."

So, there you have it. Now, you can wait until next week to be on the lookout for their 3.0 broadcast beginning. Until more news breaks, that's all for now.


- Posted on July 18th, 2024 at 5:55pm

I'll look next week for it then. Thank you for the update, Nasdigie!

- Posted on July 19th, 2024 at 4:12pm

Thanks NashDigie. Looking forward to it.

- Posted on July 22nd, 2024 at 2:48pm

W35DZ 1.0 has gone off air.

- Posted on July 22nd, 2024 at 5:36pm - Edited

I can confirm that it is now ATSC 3.0 but I cannot receive it at this time. I see the 3.0 indicator on the HDHomerun signal meter app. EDIT: I had to switch some tuners around and I got WCTE on 3.0. WCTE scans in as 150.1, 150.2, 150.3, 150.4. WCTE signal quality on qam 16 is 100% and qam 64 is at 85%. Improvement in signal quality and strength. I have no video data on the HDHomerun so they are not broadcasting anything just yet. 2nd Edit: Content is now playing on W35DZ-D.

- Posted on July 22nd, 2024 at 8:16pm - Edited

Nothing on PLP 1 yet, It might be data casting. But way better coding of 7/15. They need badly to fix their video formatting on PLP 0, code rate 9/15. It's in 1920x540, vs 1920x720/1080.

- Posted on July 23rd, 2024 at 2:34am

Seems like they are fixing bugs on their end. I'll check it tomorrow and the next few days to see what they do.

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