Twist Coming to Nashville
- Posted April 1st, 2021 at 11:44pm

- Posted on April 2nd, 2021 at 1:53pm
Now let's see if something comes onto 35.5 or if the "half public domain reruns/half infomercials" network Timeless TV gets put there.

- Posted on April 17th, 2021 at 10:04pm
Twist's programming is airing fine on 35.3, but practically every night for the past week or so and sometimes during the day, there's technical difficulties and were stuck with a rotation of ID's and an episode of Modern Marvels devoted to shoes on 35.4 which leaves me to wonder if most of Tegna's diginet control room people all went to work for Twist and left Quest with some old guy who keeps falling asleep at the controls and a rookie who sees the old guy fall asleep and doesn't know what buttons to push to get things back to normal...