Three New Channels Coming - Updated
- Posted March 23rd, 2021 at 1:33pm
Now the other two are possibly coming to Nashville. The reason I say they are coming to Nashville is because both owners are slowly moving them from their previous spots, inching their way towards Nashville. The FCC has a rule that you can't move a broadcasting transmitter more than 30 miles in any direction from the current broadcasting location. So, the owners are applying for permits for 30 miles away, then applying for licenses, and then applying for permits again for another 30 miles away. The first one I want to talk about is WWHL-LD channel 32 (RF 31). It started out broadcasting near Huntsville, AL. Just recently, they started to move the transmitter location northward. Right now, they have a permit for a spot east of Columbia near I-65. Now, the other station I want to talk about is W06AY channel 6 (RF 6). It had been broadcasting from Lebanon, KY. It was just recently sold to a company in Dickson, TN that runs the local Dickson AM/FM station. They are moving that station southward towards Nashville. Right now, they are awaiting a permit to be granted for a spot next to I-65 near Portland, TN. Now I do have to clarify that even though they are moving towards Nashville, that may not be where they will end up. I am basing this on the history of WCTZ 35 and WKUW 40. They were originally broadcasting in Bowling Green, KY until the current owner bought them and started moving them southward until they placed them in the spot they are broadcasting today. I know that was a long post, but I am hoping I informed you more than confused you. If you have any questions about any of this, please post it below or use the contact page. Until more news breaks, that's all for now.
Update (3/24): - Thanks to brookskc, I have more info on W06AY. Per a couple links to articles (posted below), It's final destination is not Nashville. It's Dickson. The local radio station is going to start broadcasting the channel by the end of next month to broadcast local sports and other local programming. Also, they will affiliate with The Family Channel that is associated with Reach High Media Group from Chattanooga. Click here for more information on the network. In the Tennessean article, they say they will have 6.1-6.5. Again, I would to like to thank brookskc for the info. Until more news breaks, that's all for now.
WDKN Owner Plans TV Station for Dickson
New Dickson-based TV Station Begins Broadcasting Next Month

- Posted on March 24th, 2021 at 10:32am
Lordy! I know I won't be getting most of those in McMinnville lol. I still hold out hope that in the future the major networks will invest in repeaters in Murfreesboro, or Woodbury to extend range to their fringe viewers in their DMA.

- Posted on March 24th, 2021 at 1:13pm
Wonder what will happen to the tower/transmitter on "Big Hill" in Wilson Co once WJFB moves to a Whites Creek tower.

- Posted on March 29th, 2021 at 12:41am - Edited
There is a possibility that one of the big tower/transmitter rental companies, like American Tower, may buy it and rent it out or the owners can sell the real estate and tear down the tower and transmitter facility. Because of FAA regulations and liability issues, it cannot be abandoned and not maintained.

- Posted on March 24th, 2021 at 3:53pm
on Dickson TV Station. More info is in The Tennesseean

- Posted on April 27th, 2021 at 7:28am
Update on Dickson TV Station. This may be premature....I live in Dickson. I did a channel scan and 16.1-16.4 appeared in my listings. In going to each channel I get a black screen. This is the 2nd day and channels are still showing up.

- Posted on April 27th, 2021 at 4:04pm
I don't know if that is them or not. In my opinion, I don't think so. They (WDHC RF 6) haven't landed in Dickson yet. Their current spot is near Pleasant View in Cheatham County. You can look at their current broadcast range by going to this link - I also have to say that in the above article they said 6.1-6.5 not 16.1-16.4. By the way, I think that you may have caught WJKT out of Jackson, TN. They broadcast 16.1-16.4.

- Posted on April 27th, 2021 at 4:32pm
Thanks for the response.