Possible W35DZ Plans
- Posted May 16th, 2022 at 9:42pm

- Posted on May 17th, 2022 at 3:19am
The local station ownership corporations and the National Association of Broadcasters are all in on ATSC 3.0. ATSC 1.0 is still going to be with us for a while. However, as the cost of the chipsets for ATSC 3.0 tuners for TV sets begin to get less expensive, they will trickle down to the lower cost TV sets and inexpensive converter devices. This is when we should see the larger ownership corporations to start moving to ATSC 3.0 solely. I have a TV set that has an ATSC 3.0 tuner and since I live in an apartment community, I have to use an indoor antenna. I have no issues receiving the ATSC 3.0 signal from our local stations. And the signal is rock solid, even with a flat antenna. None are broadcasting in 4K, as the ATSC 3.0 standard supports, but the picture quality is quite good. It will be interesting to see more and more of the stations start implementing some of the extra features the ATSC 3.0 standard provides, such a on demand programing and the like. WTVF is using this technology now. The future looks extremely bright for over the air broadcasting.

- Posted on May 18th, 2022 at 3:56am - Edited
You're welcome NashDigie! 3.0 is a game changer in my view. I recently made a trip to Tullahoma and took my HDHR4K and laptop on the road. I was able to get a signal lock here and there, and even decode LIVE TV while traveling some too. With 1.0 that was NEVER possible. Not since the Analog TV days was mobile, or even slightly moving viewing was that possible. The signal is not just good for viewing but the modulation schemes, especially with the lower QAMs are SO good that I can get a semi lock nearly 70 miles away here in McMinnville with the cheapest of antennas. It is amazing really. While it will be a while, I do think 3.0 is the future. I just hope the broadcasters use it wisely. Personally it's the way I watch WTVF at night since my LED security light kills reception on RF 5, and I can't get RF 36 in the spring/summer months. But even the QAM 256 signal from RF 21 I can get. The higher modulations are still not as good as some of their 1.0 counterparts. I can seldom get QAM 256 for RF 30 (mostly during tropo/skip at night). But I feel that's down to their power output. Only time will tell what everyone in TN will do. Both from an NAB side, and consumer side.

- Posted on May 18th, 2022 at 6:56pm
I just seen on RabbitEars and on HDHomerun that HSN was added to channel 28 on 28.8. Just checked to see if it is online and it is showing the channel programming.

- Posted on May 31st, 2022 at 3:37am
Just a theory I have but I think that Me-TV will be on channel 35 as a placeholder as one of the four channels on channel 35 when it goes online. I might be wrong on this theory but I feel like that Lowcountry will put that as either 35.1 or somewhere on the channel list as WJFB does not cover the range of the whole coverage area.