Updated - Well, WZTV has also applied for an extension. They are in the same situation as WNAB. They are also wanting to extend until Oct. 12th. Until more news breaks, that's all for now.
Full Power for WNAB (and WZTV) Being Delayed
- Posted April 11th, 2020 at 4:27pm
Updated - Well, WZTV has also applied for an extension. They are in the same situation as WNAB. They are also wanting to extend until Oct. 12th. Until more news breaks, that's all for now.

- Posted on April 12th, 2020 at 12:56pm
I live in southern Kentucky and get 17 at 3 bars most days and nights, but can't get 58 at all even tho they are supposed to be at slightly higher power.

- Posted on April 12th, 2020 at 8:36pm
Yes, they maybe at slightly more power, but you have to take into consideration the way both new antennas are setup. WZTV's antenna is 53 feet higher than WNAB's antenna. I think WZTV's antenna is sitting on top of WNAB's. I'm not for sure about that.

- Posted on April 13th, 2020 at 10:16am
I live about 50 miles south of Bowling Green, just 1 mile north of Tennessee line. in monroe county.

- Posted on April 19th, 2020 at 8:29am - Edited
Thanks as always for the updates. I live north of Cookeville up on the Highland Rim (pretty much due east). WZTV is better for me than it used to be, but not as strong as pre repack; I can pick it up with slight pixelation most times. WNAB, however, is just as dark as it's ever been out here in Rickman, but that was true for me also prior to repack. Going up top of their tower didn't help my situation for receiving their signal. Fortunately, I've got WBXX very solid, which is the Knoxville CW affiliate who has their tower set up in Crossville very high up on the plateau. I can pick it up all the time even as my antenna is pointed west. So in effect, I don't really need WNAB. Would like to get WZTV for the courtroom shows and a few other shows.

- Posted on April 21st, 2020 at 1:14am
Channel 42 WLLC is now on channel 19. Their signal is much better.

- Posted on May 17th, 2020 at 6:02pm
I hope everyone is well....A new question...Does anyone know what channel 35.3 is now? It has mostly infomercials but i have also seen Bonanza and Beverly Hillbillies...

- Posted on May 17th, 2020 at 7:37pm
I found out about it within the past few days. I e-mailed someone associated with the company that owns the channel, and he said it was "CRTV". I have never heard of it, but I have e-mailed him back to see if he could give me more information about it. I haven't gotten an e-mail back yet, but when I do, I will post it.