Bounce and Grit Leaving WKRN Next Week
- Posted August 25th, 2021 at 2:32pm
Of course, if you've been following my posts for a while now, you know that RewindTV will be replacing Grit next week on Sept. 1st on WKRN 2.4, but what I just found out is, is that Bounce maybe leaving as well. I have just found out that SportsGrid Network, a sports betting diginet, will start airing on WKRN also on Sept. 1st. Now I didn't find out where it is exactly going, but in this article, they said they "will be available on recently vacated digital sub-channels licensed to Nexstar." So, given that there are two Katz networks (Bounce and Grit) on WKRN and we know that RewindTV will be replacing Grit on 2.4, I would surmise that it will be replacing Bounce on 2.2. Now where Bounce will go, I do not know at this time, but when I find out, I will let you know. By the way, you can go to the SportsGrid website by clicking here. Until more news breaks, that's all for now.

Brentwood OTA
- Posted on August 26th, 2021 at 7:42am - Edited
It appears Bounce will finally be replacing Laff on WTVF 5.3 and 5.13, which was planned several months ago.
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